Town of Poughkeepsie Recreation
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Spring Cleaning - Town-Wide Yard Sale Register View Cart

What would happen if we all had our yard sales on the same day? Get your spring cleaning done and maybe make a few bucks!

Join us for a town-wide yard sale; a day of treasure hunting, great deals, and community spirit! Whether you're looking for unique finds, vintage treasures, household goods, or simply want to declutter and sell your own items, this is the perfect opportunity.
  • Official Yard Sale day - the Last Saturday in April, rain or shine.
  • Official Yard sale time - 9:00 - 3:00 
    • if you want to start early or go late, that's up to you
The cost to participate is $30. That fee covers your permit, a spot on the master map & list, and a yard sale sign to the first 50 people who pick theirs up! (Depending on how many register, we might get more)

We will be posting on our social media as well as sending out some emails to share the map and list far and wide.

The following regulations also apply:
  • Merchandise bought for the purpose of resale is prohibited.
  • There is a limit of two (2) garage sale permits per residential structure per year.
    • This counts as one of those events!
  • Sale shall be between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
  • Permit is automatically revoked should the Town of Poughkeepsie Police, Senior Officer in Charge, state in writing the sale is creating an unsafe traffic condition.
  • Additional temporary signs may be posted for the duration of the sale subject to the following conditions:
    • Signs shall be removed at the end of the sale;
    • Signs shall not exceed six (6) square feet.

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April 26, 2025 Yard Sale 
N/A N/A Sa  04/26/2025
09:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Your Residence
$30.00 R
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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